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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Confessions of a Working Professional

Rules are made to be followed. The main purpose of rules is to provide guidance and governance. In addition, rules are created to promote harmony. However, what happens if these rules are just taken for granted?

Rules are rules. They are guidelines meant to be followed, but sometimes it's just so tempting to break some rules. Freeing one's self from the burden of following rules feels so good because one can do what he/she wants.

Okay, I admit it. I haven't been such a good employee since I've started working. I've broken some rules. I go to work just in time for the grace period. Well honestly, most of the times, I'm late. Imagine being on the third level of the parking area, yet still I couldn't find immediately a slot for me. Yeah, it happened a couple of times already, not having parking slot just because I'm later than late. When I don't bring my car and riding a bus or a jeepney is more appropriate, the proof that I'm very much late at work is the number of passengers inside a public vehicle. There are only few passengers after 9:00 am. I often have no competitors on my seat 'cause I leave home after 9:00 am. That's a clear proof that I'm too late for work. In my cluster in work, a payment of P20 is required starting 9:06 am plus P1 each for every additional minute. Whoa! For sure, I have a lot of payables. Haha. But... Is being late the only reason why I haven't been such a good employee? I hope so... But, the answer is NO! 

I also pass some requirements beyond the deadline when I was under audit. Now that I'm in advisory, well there are no deadlines yet, but still I'm just so lenient with what is assigned to me--- doing web-based learning (WBLs). There are no specific numbers of WBLs required per day. Just have to maximize my time in doing WBLs... I planned to do at least one WBL per day, but it didn't happen as planned. There are days I won't do WBL in a day. However, there are also days I do two or three in a day. Well, I guess that's fair enough. In addition to not maximizing my day for WBLs, I also had so many absences already. Yes, I know I'm not yet a regular employee, and it may affect my rating. Of course, I care about my rating for my permanency, but there are just days when I'm really sick and I just couldn't go to work. There are also days when I have to do important things outside work. Also, there are days when I don't go to work because I'm just not feeling well and going to work would just affect my performance. There are times when my Dad would see me at home wondering why I'm not at work yet. Of course, I would explain myself. 

Indeed, I haven't been a good professional. Nevertheless, the list has not yet ended. One of the major reasons why I term myself as a "not so good" employee is that I don't embrace my work. I am thankful that I have a work that I like and appreciate. However, I may have not adjusted my mind yet.... To be really working in the industry where I’m in... Or maybe, I want to do something else... Yeah, I know I have a lot of reasons. Nevertheless, I’m willing to be better in my job.

What drives me to change this attitude of mine is an incident three days ago. It was a Monday when my senior called my attention and told me I've been late the past few weeks. Of course, I said sorry, and I really am. Hmmm. I really have to change this habit of mine. And guess what?!... I’m starting to! Just this week, I started going to our client with other associates to do vouching procedures. I was also tasked to summarize some contracts, copy files, and study a particular business industry. I pretty much like what are assigned to me that’s why I’m performing the task more eagerly than what I’ve been doing in my prior duties in auditing. Well, I neither promise to be perfect nor be the best in my cluster. However, I know I just want to be better, to improve myself with regards to my career. Since my attention has been called, I've been early at work. Moreover, I’m more concerned now on accomplishing my tasks effectively and efficiently. Well, I'm just hoping I could keep this up. The keys of course are determination and discipline. Oh yes, I need them! :D 

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