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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Confessions of a Working Professional

Rules are made to be followed. The main purpose of rules is to provide guidance and governance. In addition, rules are created to promote harmony. However, what happens if these rules are just taken for granted?

Rules are rules. They are guidelines meant to be followed, but sometimes it's just so tempting to break some rules. Freeing one's self from the burden of following rules feels so good because one can do what he/she wants.

Okay, I admit it. I haven't been such a good employee since I've started working. I've broken some rules. I go to work just in time for the grace period. Well honestly, most of the times, I'm late. Imagine being on the third level of the parking area, yet still I couldn't find immediately a slot for me. Yeah, it happened a couple of times already, not having parking slot just because I'm later than late. When I don't bring my car and riding a bus or a jeepney is more appropriate, the proof that I'm very much late at work is the number of passengers inside a public vehicle. There are only few passengers after 9:00 am. I often have no competitors on my seat 'cause I leave home after 9:00 am. That's a clear proof that I'm too late for work. In my cluster in work, a payment of P20 is required starting 9:06 am plus P1 each for every additional minute. Whoa! For sure, I have a lot of payables. Haha. But... Is being late the only reason why I haven't been such a good employee? I hope so... But, the answer is NO! 

I also pass some requirements beyond the deadline when I was under audit. Now that I'm in advisory, well there are no deadlines yet, but still I'm just so lenient with what is assigned to me--- doing web-based learning (WBLs). There are no specific numbers of WBLs required per day. Just have to maximize my time in doing WBLs... I planned to do at least one WBL per day, but it didn't happen as planned. There are days I won't do WBL in a day. However, there are also days I do two or three in a day. Well, I guess that's fair enough. In addition to not maximizing my day for WBLs, I also had so many absences already. Yes, I know I'm not yet a regular employee, and it may affect my rating. Of course, I care about my rating for my permanency, but there are just days when I'm really sick and I just couldn't go to work. There are also days when I have to do important things outside work. Also, there are days when I don't go to work because I'm just not feeling well and going to work would just affect my performance. There are times when my Dad would see me at home wondering why I'm not at work yet. Of course, I would explain myself. 

Indeed, I haven't been a good professional. Nevertheless, the list has not yet ended. One of the major reasons why I term myself as a "not so good" employee is that I don't embrace my work. I am thankful that I have a work that I like and appreciate. However, I may have not adjusted my mind yet.... To be really working in the industry where I’m in... Or maybe, I want to do something else... Yeah, I know I have a lot of reasons. Nevertheless, I’m willing to be better in my job.

What drives me to change this attitude of mine is an incident three days ago. It was a Monday when my senior called my attention and told me I've been late the past few weeks. Of course, I said sorry, and I really am. Hmmm. I really have to change this habit of mine. And guess what?!... I’m starting to! Just this week, I started going to our client with other associates to do vouching procedures. I was also tasked to summarize some contracts, copy files, and study a particular business industry. I pretty much like what are assigned to me that’s why I’m performing the task more eagerly than what I’ve been doing in my prior duties in auditing. Well, I neither promise to be perfect nor be the best in my cluster. However, I know I just want to be better, to improve myself with regards to my career. Since my attention has been called, I've been early at work. Moreover, I’m more concerned now on accomplishing my tasks effectively and efficiently. Well, I'm just hoping I could keep this up. The keys of course are determination and discipline. Oh yes, I need them! :D 

A Closer Look to “Tiktik: The Aswang Chronicles”

Aswangs are supernatural creatures in Filipino folklore. Having life forms of enormous power, they can transform themselves into any shape they want. Moreover, they are said to be particularly fond of the liver. Their victims are mostly children, pregnant women, and ill individuals. The victims will then be killed and eaten. Directed by Erik Matti and starring Dingdong Dantes, Lovi Poe, Joey Marquez, Janice de Belen and Ramon Bautista, Tiktik: The Aswang Chronicles portray the rich Filipino myth on aswangs.

The film starts with the arrival of a conceited smoking man on a tricycle to a conspicuously strange town. This guy named Makoy (Dingdong Dantes) is on his way to his pregnant girlfriend, Sonia (Lovi Poe). Apparently on Makoy’s visit to Sonia’s house, he is unwanted by Sonia’s mother (Janice de Belen). On the other hand, Sonia’s father (Joey Marquez) seems to pretty much like Makoy. He even let Makoy accompany him to buy pig and foodstuffs for Sonia’s birthday the next day. With them is the childhood friend (Ramon Bautista) of Sonia who helped them in buying affordable pig. It turns out, however, that the place where they bought the pig is the den of the aswangs. That night, Makoy stays in Sonia’s house even if he is unwanted because it was too late of a night already to still go out, and he also wants to be part of Sonia’s birthday celebration. That same night also, the pig they’ve bought turns out to be an aswang who just transformed himself into a pig. They, of course, kill the aswang. Meanwhile, the family and friends of the killed aswang have learned of the death of their fellow, so they targeted the family of Sonia. Because Sonia is pregnant, her baby is hot on the eyes of the aswangs. The battle of Makoy, Sonia’s family, and some of the villages’ people continues as they apply their beliefs on how to eradicate aswangs.

Tiktik is presented in an extraordinary way. Sort of comic style movie with a novel visual effect… The title of the film says it be a horror film. Indeed, it is because the subject is aswang. Moreover, the place and the portrayal of the aswangs are spooky. However, adding humor to the film creates an insurgent upshot on the feel of the movie. It gives light flow to the story.

No doubt, the movie has showcased the rich Filipino myth and superstition in a creative way. It emphasizes being Pinoy in many ways. Aside from the rich superstitious beliefs, the village showcases the bukid (farm) normally seen in the rural areas in the country. The bukid, however, is portrayed in a surreal scene. In addition, the sound and music used are OPM songs. Beliefs on getting rid of aswangs like using salt and garlic are also evident in the show. Boy Bawang and some other local crackers have been used to combat aswangs. All in all, the cinematography is outstanding as far as Filipino film is concerned. It’s a first in the Philippine big scree! A start to the list of well-crafted motion picture films in our country… A round of applause to this entertaining show! 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Connection at a Glance

Have you ever felt strongly connected to another person even if you haven't talked to him yet?... Even if you don't know him personally?... You just happen to see him for few times, yet you feel you know him already. That every time he looks at you, your world stops for a moment... Yeah, it seems weird, but this has happened to me.

Way back in summer last year, I was just chilling at the recreation area in the condo where I live. People at Podium, the recreation area of Oriental Garden, had their own businesses. Kids were playing at the children's section; their yayas were looking after them. Others were reading; some were sun bathing. I, on the other hand, was listening to the music in my playlist. Everybody had his/her own thing. Then, two men came. They were talking to each other. I couldn't hear what they were talking about, and I didn't want to heed as well. One of the guys started having exhibitions with a football. Wow, he was good. I love playing football that's why he caught my attention. Well, I just continued listening to songs while still trying to watch the guy play with the football. I saw him glanced at me maybe because he noticed I was looking at them. I just didn't mind. After few more minutes, I left because had to go to our unit already. That was the first time I saw him.

I don't usually go to Podium; I only go there when I feel that I want to. Well, because it was early summer and there were no classes, I had the time to visit the place. After few days of seeing the two men at Podium, I went there again 'cause I wanted to swim. Why not? It was summer! After few laps in the pool, I saw the two guys again. One of the guys (the same guy) played with the football again. He really liked showing his skills with the football, and he did the exhibition thing really well. He then stopped after some time, and he rested and talked to his companion. Then later on, I just saw them swimming too.

A year and few months after, I started living again in our unit in Oriental Garden since I've passed the CPA board exam. When I transferred back to our unit, I haven't gone much to Podium. However, I happen to see the guy playing with the football once in a while. I see him either at the lobby or somewhere near the condo. Every time I see him, I can feel his energy. When he stares at me, it's as if his eyes are talking to me.

Last week, I went to Podium just to chill. Just to relax my mind and body... I was thinking of the recent events in my life. I was also thinking of my future. Actually, it was a bit stressful. I thought of my wrong decisions in the past and imagined doing another wrong move in my life. It was really stressful thinking them all. I was tired of this game, not knowing the right thing to do in my life. At the very height of my emotion, I saw a guy's face smiling and laughing like there's no problem in the world. He was talking to someone else. Then, he smiled again and happened to look at the area where I was. A moment of silence then... Wait a minute... That guy with a huge smile on his face… I know him. He looks familiar. Oh! He's the football guy! For a moment, I forgot all the things bothering me. I felt the vibrancy of his smile, and believe it or not, it gave me the hope I needed. He let me realize that I should smile more often. That I should appreciate life more...

It's really unusual to feel the connection with a person you don't actually know. It's not the feeling of being infatuated. It's not even having a crush or physical attraction. It's simply feeling the connection with another person. I haven't felt this connection for quite a while. Well, why am I sharing this? Nothing. I just feel that I want to share this experience in my life. What then triggers me to?

Well, I just saw him today. My officemates and I went to lunch together. Our seniors treated us in Amici at Ayala Triangle. Right after having lunch, just after few steps from leaving the resto, I saw him again. He was in formal attire. He glanced at me. It was as if we know each other already, but we just haven't talked yet. Well well well... He just really has that energy in him. It makes me feel good having to feel that energy. I don't know him. Yes, it's true. But, I don't have to know him. Just having to feel his vibe makes my day already... Though getting to know him is much better, that's not my focus. I'm just happy to have that positive vibe I get from him. Who knows, I might have passed that vibe to others as well. Feeling positive and just loving life as it is... :)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Unveiling The Emptiness: Past & Places

It was almost midnight, and I was all alone in my room. I felt the cold breeze brushing through my skin. It felt so nice to feel the air... Air in my hometown, the place I used to live…

After cherishing the fresh air in the province, I then read magazines to help me fall asleep. As I scanned through the pages, I saw places; some were new to me while others were familiar. After few more pages, I then stopped. Memories of the past began to sink in. 

I saw a beach on the magazine. I felt the coziness of the place. However, a tinge of emptiness ran through my system. I have this love-hate relationship with the beach. I definitely love going to the beach. I love emerging myself into the sun and feeling the vibe of the waves. I love swimming and water sports. I just love the beach. Unfortunately, at times, it reminds me of emptiness.

I remembered one moment in my life, way back in my early college years. I was enjoying the heat of the sun and the waves of the sea with my friends. But, I just faked it… I tried to make myself happy by enjoying the beach. However, deep inside me, I was dying. This happened days after I separated ways with the guy I love. It was my first major heartbreak. It was one of the most painful moments in my life. I couldn't stand it anymore, so I broke out in front of my friends. I would shout that guy's name to the sea. I did that for many times, and I felt relieved. It felt good to be shouting to the waves of the sea, as if the sea caught all my pain. Furthermore, I cried over my friends. I never hid my emotion to them. They knew how painful it was for me, and I was thankful they understood me.

Hmmm. That moment was years ago. I'm certain I've moved on from that. But still at times, I remember the emptiness I felt during that time. Yes, some places make me feel the emptiness again. However, I’ve always managed to handle such emotion. Don't worry 'bout the emptiness. Some people have filled the void in my heart already. Well, there's still a little space, but one day, there will be no empty space anymore. I know it, and it’ll happen. For now, I’m just hopeful… That one day… That fateful day will come... When there's no empty space inside... Soon, I hope... Yes, soon. :)

Saturday, October 6, 2012

My Super Duper Friends: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow

As the saying goes, no man is an island. Yes, it's true. We all need somebody to live in this world. However, it is not only the presence of a special someone (boyfriend, girlfriend or partner in particular) that makes our world go round; our friends also play an important role in our lives. They also add color and meaning to our lives.

Indeed, friends are so important. I agree 'cause I treasure my friends a lot. In fact, I have a lot of friends. But, I only have few close friends... Among the groups of friends I cherish is that group from college. My college life wouldn't be complete without my friends. It was the time I first live on my own, away from the comfort of being with my family. In this regard, I know I shared the same experience with my college friends. Most of us grew up in the province and lived in Manila to study for college. Furthermore, we shared the same suffering when it comes to academics; we battled a lot of hardships--- passing tons of exams. Nevertheless, we never let our distress envelop our college life. Well, “all work and no play” is not good for one's life. That's why we also liked going out and having fun once in a while. On some occasions, we would have a drink in Tapsi, a pub near UST. It was the nearest and most accessible drinking place that time. On other occasions, we would go outside our area and try different bars--- Pier One, Dolce, The Fort Strip resto bars among others. Well of course, we did like to chill and have some drinks, but we liked doing other things as well. We would have road trips and went traveling to places. We've been to places like Subic, Vigan, Pagudpod, Bulacan, Tagaytay, and some places in the Metro. If we wanted it plain and simple, we just enjoy each other's company in the school campus or in a friend’s house near the school. Yes, we’ve been to places. We hopped from here to there. Wherever we were, the most important thing is that we were together as a group. Oh... Good old times... Well... That was way back then. What happened after college?

I, being a working professional, have lesser time for the many things I want to do, and that includes being with my closest friends most of the times. That's why having to see and talk to them once in a while is a breath of fresh air to me. So again, I only see my closest friends once in a while, not on regular basis. A friend of mine, however, has thought of having a monthly meet-up. Oh yes, last night, it has started. I've had bonding time with my college friends, my Super Duper Friends (that's what we call our group). It didn't take long, but I surely enjoyed it. We just had dinner in a resto named Kitchen (a classy bistro) and had some drinks at Cerveseria; both resto bars are in Greenbelt 3. We chose Greenbelt 'cause it's the nearest place from the majority of us. Most of us are working in Makati. Jocy, Pat and I are all working in SGV & Co. On the other hand, Olai is working in KPMG while Jannel is with Alba Romeo & Co. (but, she'll soon transfer to BIR). Mel is about to work in Deloitte, and Toots has transferred to Maersk from KPMG. Our law student in the group is JT. Meanwhile, Tin is preparing for the CPA Board Exam, so she has not been able to join us last night. Grabe! Time really flies so fast. We were classmates when we were in our first year in college, and now, we have different paths already... Different lives... Different worlds...

Yes, we may not be talking always, but we show are love and support for each other in our own little ways. Furthermore, we have different endeavors already. However, even if we have separate ways, I know that our friendship will remain. I really treasure my friends. Aside from my childhood and my high school friends, my Super Duper Friends are those whom I want to treasure forever. I know we’ve shared a lot in common. We’ve been through ups and downs, but we’ve always made it by. And I know… We always will… We'll be friends until we're old. Until the time oblivion conquers us all... For in our hearts, we'll stay friends forever. Gosh. This is becoming cheesy already, but everything here is true. Right Super Duper Friends?! Haha. Friends forever dolls! Salute! :)

Monday, October 1, 2012

On The Big Screen: October 2012 Movie Releases

It’s the first day of October. Another month, another start… But, when it comes to the big screen, what are "IN" this month? Well, here’s a glimpse of some of the October movie releases in the local and international cinemas.

After 30 years, E.T. is coming back on the big screen this October 2012. This sci-fi movie tracks the remarkable adventure of a lost alien (known as E.T.), and a 10-year-old boy he makes friends with. Elliot, Gertie and Michael come together to help E.T. find his way back home.

A classic style 3D movie by Tim Burton comes a tale about a boy and his dog. Victor, a young boy loses his dog named, Sparky. With the power of science, he tried to bring back the life of his dog best friend. He hides his creation, so that others won’t know what he did. However, Sparky comes out of the house, and the rest of the town learns of his invention. He then realizes that harnessing one’s life is evil.

Based on the novel with the same title and set in Florida, the movie tells the story of a man who tries to help his reporter brother figure out the truth about a case of a man put in a death row. However, the convict might be wrongly condemned. While searching for truth, the young man falls in love with the convict’s lover. The conflict starts here, and the erotic thriller film goes on.

The plot centers on a mother and a son who have just moved into a house. They encounter unusual experiences. It also involves their neighbors who also experience the same haunting which followed the mother and child.

Produced by Paramount Pictures, this teen comedy film shows the story of Wren, a high school senior who wants to isolate herself from her family. She does this by going off to college. However, before she even gets to college, she had a problem finding her brother whom her Mom left her as a responsibility for a Holloween night. Wren and three of her friends go into to an adventure of looking for the former’s younger brother.

Inspired by a true story, the film illustrates the quest of two friends who surf in Northern California. Their friendship goes beyond surfing as they try to tame the Maverick surf break, one of the biggest waves on Earth.


The runaway zoo animals go 3D in this third of the animated series. Alex the Lion, Marty the Zebra, Melman the Giraffe and Gloria the Hippopotamus make an effort to return to New York but end up in Monte Carlo. They have a juncture with a travelling circus that tours Europe, taking in key cities and ending up London. New characters including a tiger, a jaguar and a sea lion come alive in this animated film. More animals, more exciting!


From the worldwide best-selling novels by James Patterson,  Alex Cross pursues the young homicide detective/psychologist as he encounters his match in a serial killer.  When the mission gets delicate, Cross is pushed to the border of his ethical and mental limits in this tight and moving action thriller.

This futuristic action thriller tells the story of time- travelers, Loopers, which services are illegal and only available on the black market. When the mass wants to get rid of someone, they just have to send their target 30 years into the past; when this happens, there’s a "looper" - a hired gun time-traveler, like Joe, waiting to mop up. Joe is getting a good life with this job until the day the mob decides to "close the loop," sending back Joe's future self for assassination.

This movie is a horror comedy film directed by Erik Matti. The film stars Dingdong Dantes, Lovi Poe, Joey Marquez, Janice de Belen, Roi Vinzonand and LJ Reyes. It is produced by GMA films together with Reality Entertainment.  The film shows the rich myth and superstion of Filipinos about Aswangs. Moreover, it outlines the story of a man who battles with different monstrous creatures, Aswangs.

The story of this Filipino-Thai romantic film, starring Mario Maurer and Erich Gonzales and produced by Star Cinema, centers on the two crossed lovers Marcus Hanson (Mario Maurer ), a Thai superstar, and Joey Hermosa (Erich Gonzales), a Filipina baker. When Marcus decided to fly to Philippines to escape from his career, he meets Joey. The relationship of the two was tested by conflicts from their different worlds.

No doubt, there are a lot of movie options this month... Packed with different genres and stories… Well, just choose the movie/s you feel like watching. Most of all, never forget to sit back, relax and enjoy the show!